Getting outfitted for hiking and backpacking can seem overwhelming. When I was first starting out, I felt like there was so much gear on the market and that it was SOOO expensive. Plus I felt like the list of gear you need to buy for hiking and backpacking was never ending.
That was two decades ago, and while gear is still expensive, I’ve developed lots of different tricks for finding hiking gear on a budget.
I’ve been hiking my whole life and backpacking for 20 years. I spent three years working in an outdoor store helping people choose gear and then seven years at the head office of a big outdoor retailer writing product descriptions, how to choose guides, and staff training materials. I’ve also written two backpacking guidebooks and countless blog posts. At this point, it’s fair to say that I know quite a bit about hiking gear!
So here it is, my big list of 20 ways to save money on hiking gear. Read on for lots of ways to get deals on used gear, save money on new gear and even get some gear for free! I’ve also got pointers for what kind of gear you should look for with each method.
Hey there: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission at no cost to you. Thanks for your support. -Taryn
Borrow Gear
If you’ve got a a friend with extra gear, see if they’ll let you borrow it. If you join a hiking club in your community or at a university, they also might have gear you can borrow.
I did lots of my first backpacking trips with borrowed tents, backpacks, sleeping bags and sleeping pads. It was a great way to try out gear and see what I liked. (And what I hated, like that too-big backpack that rubbed an oozing sore onto my collarbone).
Be sure to clean and dry gear before returning it. And if you want to borrow gear again, bring your friend a 6-pack or some cookies to say thanks.
Gear to Look For
Unless your friend is the same size as you, borrowing boots or a backpack won’t be comfortable. You’ll have a bit more sizing leeway with clothing, but to set yourself up for success, stick to tents, sleeping bags, and stoves.

Shop Your Closet
Check your closet: chances are you might already own some workout gear or gear from other sports that will work for hiking.
Gear to Look For
Workout tops, shorts, and tights made of synthetics like polyester and nylon (avoid cotton) make great hiking clothes.
I bet you already have some gloves and a warm hat you could throw in your pack.
And speaking of a pack, if you’ve got an old book bag around, it will do fine as a day pack when you’re first starting out.
If you’re doing an easier hike on mellow trails you might not need hiking boots: you can wear your regular running shoes that you wear to the gym.

Rent Gear
Gear shops often have rental programs, especially in locations near popular trails. It’s a great way to try before you buy, and sometimes you can apply the cost of the rental to the purchase of equipment. A quick google will usually find gear rental programs in your area.
Renting doesn’t make sense long term, but it’s a good idea if you aren’t sure you want to invest in expensive gear.
Gear to Look For
Most gear rental shops rent out tents, sleeping bags and backpacks. Some might also have stoves and sleeping pads too. In the winter you can usually rent snowshoes too.
Visit Second Hand Sporting Goods Shops
Many larger cities and trail towns have second-hand sporting goods shops. These stores are usually cluttered with cheap bikes and skis from three seasons ago. But if you’re lucky, you can score a deal.
Gear to Look For
Lightly used tents, sleeping bags and backpacks. You can often find good deals on hiking boots and jackets too.
Bookmark Discount Gear Websites
Websites dedicated to selling discounted brand-name outdoor gear are a great way to find budget hiking gear.
Steep and Cheap, the bargain arm of, has killer prices (up to 70% off) on big names like Patagonia. They also have a Current Steals section where products are offered at crazy cheap prices for a short period of time. I think my very first online gear purchase was from Steep and Cheap: I scored a merino wool Icebreaker sweater for 70% off way back in 2006.
If you’re in Canada, check out The Last Hunt. (They are the bargain arm of Altitude Sports.) Everything on the site is at least 30% off and some is up to 80% off!
Gear to Look For
You can get pretty much any gear or clothing on these sites from socks to sleeping bags. Check back often as deals change daily. Keep in mind that return policies can be strict or non-existent on deeply discounted gear so check before you buy.
Scour Thrift Stores
It can be worth checking out the selection at your local thrift store, particularly if you are in an outdoorsy city.
Gear to Look For
Head to the clothing section for brand name hiking pants and fleece jackets at great prices. Wool sweaters also make great warm layers for hiking.

Check Facebook Marketplace, Craiglist, eBay, etc.
Online buy and sell websites can be a great place to find lightly used gear. Craigslist, Kijiji, and eBay are a good place to start. Facebook Marketplace is also awesome, as are outdoor gear buy and sell groups on Facebook – a quick search will usually find ones in your area.
Gear to Look For
Big ticket items like tents and sleeping bags are your best bets. Be sure to ask for lots of photos and a description of the current condition if you can’t see the item in person before you buy it.
Be careful when purchasing items that need to fit you like boots, backpacks or jackets. Ask if you can try it on first or stick to buying brands that you already know fit you.
Find an Outfitter Selling Off Rental Gear
At the end of the season many outfitters and rental shops will sell off used rental gear to make space for newer gear. These end of season sales can be hard to find, so its worth asking local outfitters if they have a rental sale at the end of the season.
Gear to Look For
The most common items items to find at rental gear sales are snowshoes, skis, snowboards, bikes, canoes, and kayaks. You can sometimes also find deals on tents, backpacks and sleeping bags.
READ NEXT: Which Women’s Specific Hiking Gear is Actually Worth Buying?
Go to a Gear Swap
Attending an outdoors gear swap can be a great way to find cheap used gear. Many ski towns have annual ski swaps where you can find great deals. Some outdoor clubs and non-profits organize swaps to raise money.
As well, some outdoor stores also organize their own swaps. Pre-pandemic, REI and MEC ran legendary gear swaps at many of their stores. Both retailers have switched away from this model in recent years, but some stores may still run these events.
Gear to Look For
At ski swaps look for high end waterproof breathable backcountry ski jackets or puffy jackets since they work great for hiking.
At gear swaps look for pricey items like tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, jackets, and boots.
Hit Up Big Box Stores
You can get find some crazy cheap prices on gear at big box stores like Walmart or Target.
In general, I don’t advise purchasing backpacking gear at big box stores since you’ll likely want to replace it with better stuff after a few trips since it’s so heavy and the quality is often terrible. However, in a pinch, their stuff usually works fine.
Gear to Look For
Big box stores often have a camping section with tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, stoves and backpacks.
Their clothing sections can also be good for things like cheap fleece jackets and workout clothing that can double as hiking clothing.
Go to the Mall
You can also consider hitting up mall stores to save money on hiking gear, especially hiking clothing.
Gear to Look For
Fast fashion stores like Old Navy and H&M often have super cheap workout gear, fleece and insulated jackets that can double as hiking gear. I have some Old Navy sports bras that are great for hiking.
Uniqlo has great puffy jackets and their HeatTech line can work as lightweight base layers.
Decathlon is also a great place to check. They are a French budget sports store that has recently expanded into some North America cities, mostly at malls. They mostly carry things for running, working out, tennis, etc. but they do have some outdoor gear. Their Forclaz and MT100 puffy jackets are amazing for the price.
Check out Discount Stores
Discount stores like Marshalls, Kohls, TJ Maxx, and Winners often have name brand workout clothing at super cheap prices.
Gear to Look For
You can usually find wicking t-shirts, shorts, sports bras, and tights that make great hiking clothing. They sometimes have puffy jackets and fleece too.
Sort Through the Clearance Section at an Outdoor Store
Every time you go to your local gear store, check the clearance rack. You might score a great deal.
You can also find way more selection on the clearance and sale sections of gear store websites. Usually these sections are full of last seasons models and colours at cheap prices.
REI and Backcountry both have good deals sections. In Canada, check out the deals sections at MEC, Altitude Sports, and Valhalla Pure Outfitters.
Most gear brands also have clearance and sale sections. For example, check out Patagonia’s Web Specials section or Outdoor Research’s Past Season section.
Gear to Look For
While there might be promotions around big sales times (e.g. Black Friday), in general, clothing and footwear go on clearance each year at the end of the season when new colours/styles are introduced and old ones are cleared out.
Only a small amount of tents, sleeping bags and other gear ever go on clearance since each model is usually carried for a few years before being updated or discontinued.
If you see a good deal on gear in the clearance section, grab it because it won’t last long.

Wait for Sales
If you can wait long enough, most gear will eventually go on sale. The outdoor industry runs on a seasonal cycle. Typically winter gear goes on sale in the spring and summer gear goes on sale in the fall.
Many stores have big Black Friday and Boxing Day sales (typically selling left over summer merchandise). REI has its famous Anniversary Sale in May. MEC runs its Mountain Days event in July.
Gear to Look For
In the fall, look for discounted summer hiking clothes, hiking boots and maybe even tents and sleeping bags.
In the spring, look for deals on puffy jackets and snowshoes left over from winter.
Qualify to Get Pro Deals
Outdoor gear and clothing brands often provide industry pro deals where they sell gear at wholesale prices (usually 30-60% off). The thinking is that if people buy their gear on pro deal and like it, they are likely to recommend it to other people who have to buy it at full price.
There are a few ways to qualify for pro deals. One of the easiest ways is to get a job at an outdoor store. If you work as a hiking guide, a ski patroller, with search and rescue, in law enforcement or for the military, you might also be eligible for pro deals too.
High end brands like Patagonia, Outdoor Research, and Darn Tough Socks all have pro deals. Lots of other brands do too – just check their websites to find out.
I worked at an outdoor store and at the head office of an outdoor retailer and got lots of my gear through pro deals. If you’re serious about getting in to backpacking, a part-time job at an outdoor store is definitely worth it, just for the pro deal access!
Gear to Look For
Almost every brand you can think of has a pro deal program.
Be sure to do the math on the discount before you purchase and factor in shipping costs, exchange rates, and duty – not all pro deals are actually that great of a deal.
Also keep in mind that you usually can’t return, exchange, or resell what you buy on pro deal so make sure you’ve got the correct sizing info.

Go to Sample Sales or Factory Sales
Gear brands often have sample sales or factory sales once or twice a year to clear out gear. Typically these sales take place in the cities where the brands have their headquarters or sales offices. They aren’t well advertised so they can be tough to find out about.
The clothing and gear at sample sales may have already been used for photo shoots or sales meetings, but they are often in brand new or near new condition.
At factory sales, the clothing and gear often have small imperfections that make them unsuitable for sale at the full retail price. These imperfections are often cosmetic and don’t affect function, such as incorrect colours, uneven stitching or tiny stains.
Sometimes the stuff at sample sales or factory sales is just extra stock that the brand wants to sell quickly at a cheap price.
Gear to Look For
While some sample sales will have a range of sizes, you’ll have the best luck if you wear a size 2-6 in women’s clothing or a medium/size 32 pants in mens.
At factory sales pretty much anything could be on offer. Be sure to look over the gear carefully before you buy and make sure you are ok with any imperfections.
Check Amazon
Is there anything Amazon doesn’t sell? You’ll find all the usual big gear brands on there, and sometimes they have a slightly better price (and usually lightning fast shipping). It can also be worth waiting for Amazon Prime Day for insane deals.
However, Amazon also has smaller gear brands as well as some cheap knock-off brands you might never have heard of. The quality can be questionable on these knock-off brands, but the prices can be insanely cheap.
A few years ago, I bought this cheap folding table on Amazon to take on camping trips. It was over $100 cheaper than the Helinox table it’s a knock-off of, and it seems to be equivalent quality!
Gear to Look For
Be sure to read lots of reviews on any gear from a brand you don’t recognize. Not everything on these sites is exactly as described. There’s tons of choice out there for everything from tents, to sleeping bags to rain jackets. But as always, buyer beware.

Work at an Outdoor Store
I worked at an outdoor store for three years during university. It was a great way to make more outdoorsy friends and help pay for school. But the big reason to work in an outdoor store is the staff discount.
Discounts vary depending on where you work, but between 10 and 30% off most gear is the standard. You might get even bigger discounts on some brands.
Gear to Look For
Literally everything! Ask your manager if discounts stack for sales and if there are any annual events where staff get a larger discount (for example around the holidays) to help plan when you will buy gear.
Shop the Used Gear Section at Outdoor Retailers and Brands
In an effort to be more environmentally responsible and keep gear out of the landfill, some outdoor retails and brands have begun reselling used gear. They clean and repair the gear, then put it up for sale on a dedicated section of their website. Prices are usually pretty good and there is often a warranty too.
For example REI offer used gear on their REI Re/Supply site. Patagonia does something similar with their Patagonia Worn Wear program.
Gear to Look For
Patagonia has lots of gently used outdoor clothing, especially jackets and fleece. REI focuses mostly on gear like sleeping pads, tents, skis, and backpacks.
Become an Outdoor Content Creator
I’ve been an outdoor writer and content creator for about 10 years. Many outdoor companies send me free gear. Sometimes it’s in exchange for a post on social media or a mention in a blog post. But sometimes they just send it to me and “post about it if you like, no worries if not.” (And of course I always disclose when I get something for free or am being paid to talk about it.)
In the beginning I had to reach out to brands to ask to work with them, but now that I’m more established, lots of brands contact me. I actually turn down a lot of free gear since I don’t need it.
Gear to Look For
I’m careful only to accept gear that I will actually use and that I feel comfortable recommending to my audience.
Often gear brands (or more often their PR agencies) want to send you the latest thing that they are promoting. If it’s not something your audience will appreciate, say no. Your audience knows when you are shamelessly selling to them to make a buck or get free gear and they don’t like it. Keep your brand partnerships authentic.

Final Thoughts
Unfortunately there a lot of barriers to getting into the outdoors, and the cost of gear is one of them. I hope this list of ways to save money on hiking gear helps you get the gear you need to get outside and have fun.
- Which Women’s Hiking Gear is Actually Worth Buying?
- 25 Stocking Stuffers for Hikers Under $25 (That are Totally Useful)
- Is Merino Wool Worth It? Pros and Cons
- My Favourite Hiking Gear – 2023 Edition
- 20 Incredible Things to Do in Newfoundland - January 23, 2025
- MEC is For Sale Again: What Happened? - January 21, 2025
- Camping in Yellowstone in 2025: Everything You Need to Know - January 8, 2025
Dan Singh
Saturday 26th of February 2022
New to Canada, mostly back East, but coming closer to Vancouver (just opened a store in Calgary) is Decathlon, the world's largest sporting goods store. I picked up their Trek 100 down jacket for $75 and loving it for the value, as recommended by many YouTubers like Calgary's Justin Outdoors👍 they currently have their winter clearance sale & u can pickup that same jacket but at 33% off, so $50 but only in 2 colors, men's Blue & women's Pink, and the sizing is a bit small or athletic, so u should size up if u want to layer up or if ur a bigger guy like me. 😝
Saturday 30th of May 2020
I am an avid backpacker and I am always looking for new gear to try out or replace. I think these are some great and helpful tips.
Taryn Eyton
Saturday 30th of May 2020
Thanks Megan. Glad you found it helpful :)
Friday 16th of March 2018
Thank you very much !! ❤️❤️
Patrick @ Adventographer
Monday 12th of March 2018
Some wonderful ideas on saving money while still being prepared for the outdoors! Great post Taryn! I’ve got to agree with Chris above that you really do need to know what kind of gear works for you before you buy or you’ll end up buying it again!
Chris @ Mindful Explorer
Monday 12th of March 2018
Great list Taryn and I really like the idea of renting and borrowing where possible. Much like taking a car for a test drive, it's good to know what works best for you. Also, don't rush out to buy everything at once. Find out what kind of outdoor person you are, maybe yo aren't a backpacker and just like day hikes. A sleeping bag then wouldn't make much sense. Great thorough post Taryn, this will be very helpful for many people out there.